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How the right payment partner can help businesses navigate the regulatory landscape

We examine how selecting the right partner can assist in managing regulatory compliance.

Regulation. Red tape. Mandates. Call it what you will. There’s a lot of it.

Whether it’s the EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives (AMLD) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Payment Service Directives (PSD) or responsible gambling initiatives.

Can you ever have too much of a good thing?

Legislators, regulators and competent authorities think not. Wanting to increase competition, drive market efficiency and protect customers are all very sensible. No one disagrees with the aims of regulation in theory. But in practice, it’s tricky to navigate.

Why is regulation so burdensome?

Some regulation is just inherently complex. Businesses may struggle to understand and apply the principles and rules. That’s especially when regulation applies regionally yet is implemented locally. This may mean that there are differences between countries, overlaps or conflicts with other regulation.

How recently has the regulation been introduced? How long do businesses have to comply? These factors can increase the impact of regulation on a business.

Business size and the reach of regulation are also aggravating factors. Some regulations have greater impact on smaller and micro businesses than on larger ones. Similarly, the number of employees that need to be involved in compliance processes can determine how burdensome the regulation is.

A strategic ally in navigating regulatory complexity

The right payments partner can help businesses respond to regulatory developments. They can maximize regulatory upsides and minimize downsides. And act as a strategic ally in navigating regulatory complexity. How exactly?

Here are just a few ways:

  1. Compliance knowledge – the right payment partner will have in-depth knowledge of relevant regulations, such as AML/KYC requirements, PSD2, iGaming and data security requirements. Their knowledge ensures that your business stays compliant with local, national and international laws, reducing the risk of fines and legal issues.
  2. Regulatory expertise – the regulatory environment is constantly changing. The right payments partner will keep abreast of new and upcoming regulation. And, importantly, interpret and explain the impact on your business, make solid recommendations to take advantage of opportunities to grow revenue streams.
  3. Risk management tools – the right payment partner will provide advanced fraud detection and risk management tools to help your business minimize the risk of fraud and ensure transactions are secure. This includes monitoring for suspicious activities and implementing robust data and cyber security measures.
  4. Cross-border capabilities – the exposure to regulatory risk is greater for businesses trading remotely (not face-to-face) across multiple jurisdictions. A payment partner with cross-border and multi-currency capabilities is set up to help your business navigate the complexities of cross-border regulation.
  5. Efficient onboarding processes – incorporating thorough KYB checks at boarding and throughout the relationship means that when your business wants to expand to new countries and currencies, you’ll be able to do so safely and quickly.


It’s hard work to monitor, understand and adapt to changing regulatory requirements. It’s potentially time-consuming, costly, perhaps even requiring a whole team or department on an ongoing basis.

Then there are the risks and penalties associated with non-compliance: fines, reputational damage, suspension of license among others. Working with the right payment partner means working smarter and leveraging their knowledge, expertise, tools, capabilities and processes to power your growth.

About Inpay

Inpay is a cross-border payments company, connecting businesses and communities to a global banking network that helps them thrive.

Since 2008, we’ve helped financial institutions, iGaming operators, corporates, NGOs and others move money to the right places quickly, easily and securely.

Our smart technology, innovative products, robust compliance and 200 in-house experts from 45+ countries solve complex payment challenges with an industry-leading 99% transaction success rate.

Regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, we’ve been recognized as Denmark’s fastest-growing company, and Europe’s fastest-growing fintech.

For more information, contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.

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